Trigger Point Injections Can Alleviate Your Chronic Pain and Trapped Nerve

The Podiatry and Physiotherapy Clinic Harborne, Birmingham's

Trigger Point Injections Can Alleviate Your Chronic Pain in the Neck, Back, and Leg

Trigger point injections are a minimally invasive procedure that involves the targeted injection of a local anesthetic or a combination of anesthetic and corticosteroid into specific trigger points, or muscle knots. These trigger points are areas of tight muscle fibers that can cause localised pain as well as referred pain in other areas of the body.

Benefits of Trigger Point Injections Performed under Ultrasound Guidance:

1. Targeted Pain Relief: Trigger point injections directly address the source of pain by relaxing and releasing the tight muscle fibers, providing immediate and localised pain relief.

2. Improved Range of Motion: By reducing muscle tension and promoting relaxation, trigger point injections can enhance your flexibility and range of motion, allowing you to perform daily activities with greater ease.

3. Decreases Inflammation: Improves the muscle function by decreasing the inflammation in the muscle if there is inflammation in the muscle following injury to muscle.

4. Quick and Convenient: The procedure can typically be performed in a clinic, and the injection itself takes only a few minutes, requiring minimal downtime.

Benefits to Release Nerve for Trapped Nerve:

Injection performed under ultrasound guidance create a separation between your muscle and connective tissue: When a nerve is compressed, as is the case in conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, it produces a sensation of pins and needles. The fascia, the tissue surrounding your muscles, can also adhere to itself, causing continuous discomfort. A trigger point injection creates space in the affected area, separating the muscle from the connective tissue. This relieves pain and improves functionality.

How Trigger Point Injections Work:

The exact mechanism behind trigger point injections is not fully understood. However, it is believed that the injection of the local anesthetic helps to disrupt the pain cycle by numbing the trigger point and reducing muscle spasms. Additionally, the corticosteroid component of the injection can provide anti-inflammatory effects, further reducing pain and inflammation in the targeted area.

Frequency and Considerations: The frequency of trigger point injections will depend on the severity and persistence of your pain. In general, it is recommended to start with one initial injection to assess their effectiveness. If one injection provides significant or reasonable relief, then subsequent injections may be scheduled on an as-needed basis. However, it is important to consult with a clinician who can provide personalised guidance based on your specific condition.

Sports Injury and Trigger Point Injections: Trigger point injections are also beneficial for individuals dealing with sports-related injuries. Athletes frequently develop trigger points due to overuse or acute injuries, leading to localised pain and decreased performance. Trigger point injections can help alleviate pain, promote healing, and facilitate a quicker return to sports activities.

Why Use Ultrasound for Trigger Point: Utilising ultrasound guidance for trigger point injections in the muscle can assist in ensuring accurate needle positioning. Furthermore, employing ultrasound guidance for trigger point injections risk of pneumothorax, nerve or vessel injury resulting from incorrect injection placement can be avoided.

Contact Us

Don't let pain hold you back any longer. Contact The Podiatry and Physiotherapy Clinic Harborne, Birmingham today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how trigger point injections can help you. Our team of experienced clinician will work with you to determine if trigger point injections are the right treatment for your specific condition. We use the latest techniques and technology to ensure the highest quality of care.