Nail Surgery in Kidderminster
When your podiatrist at The podiatry Clinics, Kidderminster diagnoses a toenail abnormality, he may recommend nail surgery in Kidderminster. The most prevalent malformations and causes are as follows:
1. An ingrowing toe nail
2. excessively curved nail (involution)
3. excessively wide nails
4. thickened nails due to fungal infection or trauma
5. incorrect cutting of the nails
These disorders cause the skin to enlarge and press against the nail, resulting in pain. This could result in an infection that needs to be treated right away. These are issues that diabetics and other high-risk patients should be concerned about.
If you have an infection, your Podiatrist in Kidderminster may prescribe antibiotics, but they will not treat the condition on their own. The infection and pain will return or persist after the drugs have worn off unless the cause (the nail) is addressed.
Conservative treatments can help prevent discomfort or illness, but they won't solve the condition. Nail Surgery in Kidderminster is advised if the problem recurs frequently or if the condition is severe (develops quickly).
Procedure of Nail Surgery in Kidderminster
The procedure is generally performed under local anaesthetic via injection into the toe to numb the area. The anaesthetic will most often wear off in about two hours.
Once numb, a tight elastic ring called tourniquet is applied to the toe to control bleeding and the area is prepped to minimise the risk of infection.
The portion of nail to be removed nail is then gently lifted and resected, generally without the toe being cut or stitched. Both sides or the entire nail may be removed this way. A chemical is used to assist in preventing nail regrowth.
Once the procedure is completed, the tourniquet is removed and a sterile surgical dressing is applied. The patient is able to walk immediately afterwards, however assistance getting home is strongly recommended.
What happens after the procedure of Nail Surgery in Kidderminster?
You'll need to make an appointment in Kidderminster for a checkup the next day. You will be taught how to change your own dressing on a daily basis here. Following that, dressing changes and monitoring of the healing process will be performed every two weeks. The dressings must be kept dry.
If you have any concerns or issues, please call us in Kidderminster and we will either give you advice over the phone or schedule a time for you to return as soon as possible. A few consultations with our team of podiatrists in Kidderminster may be required after following the procedure. Minimal pain relief medication is required.
What are the potential complications of Nail Surgery in Kidderminster?
All nail procedures in Kidderminster have been associated with a slight chance of recurrence. Infection whilst the wound is healing can be an issue. Our Podiatrist in Kidderminster can advise you and manage these and other complications that may occur.
All surgical procedures in Kidderminster have some risk of complication; however this procedure is associated with a low rate of complications.
How we can help you as Podiatrists in Kidderminster?
Regular visits can manage and prevent ingrown toenails, alleviate pain, and help keep your on your feet and mobile.