All Services


General Footcare

General Footcare looks into some of the common foot conditions such as Corns and Ingrown Toenails

Sports Podiatry

Sports Podiatry is a specific field of podiatry focussing on diagnosing, preventing and treating injuries related to sport.



Outlined are the many conditions and benefits that specially made orthotics could make to you.

Biomechanical / Musculoskeletal Assessment

These assessments look into the science of movement


Diabetic Assessment

Diabetic Assessment examines the possible complications that diabetes can cause to your feet

Verruca Treatment

Looks into what causes Verrucae, preventative measures and the relevent treatments you can get


Steroid Injection Therapy

Cortisone injections are performed in order to reduce or even eliminate pain associated with a variety of disorders

Nail Surgery

Detailed is the most common surgical procedure and the aftercare involved following the surgery


Shoe Analysis

Our feet have the responsibility of carrying our body weight, so we need to treat them with the right support they require


Foot Mobilisation Techniques

Outlining the highly effective way of treating issues with both joints and muscles through the use of Foot Mobilisation Therapy


Rheumatoid Arthritis

The pain caused by tge inflammation of the joints through Rheumatoid Arthritis can be eased with your Podiatrist