Acupuncture Therapy
When done correctly, acupuncture has been shown to help with everything from migraines to lower back discomfort.
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture points are specific locations where nerves, connective tissue, and muscles can be stimulated, according to neuroscience. The body's natural painkillers are targeted, and health is promoted by increasing blood flow. Acupuncture, which necessitates accuracy, must be performed by a skilled practitioner to ensure that it is done correctly and safely.
Acupuncture has been shown to have a good effect on the body's numerous organ systems by resolving pain, enhancing sleep, rectifying digestive function, and generating an overall sense of well-being. The technique, which is almost 3000 years old, is currently covered by many insurance policies and is frequently used for its vast range of benefits.
Sports Injuries
Sprains (tendons ligaments)
Low Back Pain
Neck Pain (spondylosis)
Osteoarthritis (Knee Pain)
Whiplash Injury
Acupuncture Treatment in Harborne, Birmingham
Prior to receiving acupuncture therapy, a health history will be gathered to address whatever problem or ailment the body is experiencing. In addition, a physical examination is required. A treatment plan will be created that is specific to the needs and requirements of each patient.
The patient begins an acupuncture session by lying comfortably on a treatment table. After that, precise acupoints are stimulated. During a procedure, most people experience minimal to no discomfort. In most cases, needles are inserted between five and thirty minutes. Needles are removed at the end of the treatment. Following treatment, the majority of patients report feeling quite relaxed.
Acupuncture is a well-established and proven treatment for rebalancing the body. Book an acupuncture treatment today to restore the body and enhance your health. Acupuncture is a fantastic alternative or supplement to other health management solutions.