Podiatry | Physiotherapy | Ultrasound
Same day, Evenings, and Saturday appointments are available in Harborne, Birmingham. Call us if you can’t find online appointment.
Podiatry - Foot & Ankle Specialist
Podiatrists & Chiropodist are medical specialists who help with problems that affect your feet or lower legs. They can treat injuries as well as complications from ongoing health issues like diabetes.
Physiotherapy - Musculoskeletal & Sports
Treatments for lower back and neck pain with a physiotherapist in Harborne, Birmingham. Harborne, Birmingham private physiotherapy offers exceptional hands-on treatments for sports injuries and chronic pain.
Diagnostic Ultrasound Scan
Ultrasound Imaging (Point of Care) can be used to ascertain diagnosis as part of physical examination or assessment process as well as can be used to evaluate progress of tissue healing and injury.
Ultrasound Guided Injections for Pain Injury & Rehabilitation
Ultrasound: It is used to accurately guide the needle to reach the target tissue and release the medicine in target tissue to maximize the benefits of its medicine, therapy and rehabilitation.
Heel Pain
Heel pain is one of the most common forms of foot pain in adults. It often occurs as a result of daily activities and exercise. The heel is the largest of the 26 bones in the human foot. It is designed to provide a firm support for the weight of your body.
Nail Surgery
Detailed is the most common surgical procedure and the aftercare involved following the surgery
Shockwave Therapy
Shockwave therapy is used to treat Orthopaedics, Musculoskeletal, and Sports conditions such as heel pain, elbow pain, shoulder pain, and tissue injuries.
Joint Pain Ostenil Injections
Our clinicians are approved providers of Ostenil Injections (Ostenil Plus and Ostenil Tendons). There is a range of joint and soft tissue injections from steroid (anti-inflammatory) to advance Ostenil (hyalurnoic acid) to help treat joint pain and muscle tendon ligament injuries.
Orthotics, as we refer to them, are insoles made specifically for you. These should be custom made by an appropriately qualified podiatrist in Harborne, Birmingham, and designed to enhance the motion of your foot and body.
Laser (Class VI) Therapy
Medical LASER can aid in the treatment of a variety of ailments, including those linked to podiatry and physiotherapy musculoskeletal conditions. Chronically injured cells such as in osteoarthritic/degenerative joint usually are short of energy which limits their ability to heal and repair.
Clinic Location
15 High Street, Harborne, B17 9NT